Astro Info:: Moon transits in Jyeshta constellation ruled by Mercury.Persons born in Krittika, Uttara and Uttarashadha constellations andin Sagittarius and Aries zodiac signs are advisedto be alert in theirdealings.
Sensitive / Trend change Timings for the day :: 12.10pm; 1.20pm; 2.20pm;
Likely Intraday Trend for 28.08.09:: On the basis of Planetarypositionand the aspects amongst planets, outlook for the day isexpected in thefollowing manner ::
On the basis of planetary position, Market is expected to opensubdued / weak and recover from 10.30am to 12.00and remain sidewaysthereafter and to have volatile movements from 1.20pm to 2.20pm andmay again become subdued / weak thereafter.Techology stocks could be subdued.
Astro Technical Trading Strategy for the day ::
Nifty is expected to experience huge intraday volatility. If Niftyfutures is trading above Open level and Day’s Average Traded Price byabout 10.45am, long positions can be taken with day low or 30 pointsas strict stop loss and may be liquidated by about 12.30pm or holdwith adjusted stop loss to ensure minimum profit. If Nifty futures istrading below Day’s Average Traded Price by atleast 10 points by about2.15 / 2.30pm, Short positions can be taken with Day high or 25 pointsabove Day’s Average Traded Price as stop loss and such short positionsto be closed by end of the day.
Stop loss is a must for intraday trading and such stop loss needs tobe adjusted depending on intraday movements.
Technical Levels for the day:: Nifty Futures would be bullishabove4710 with resistance around 4738, 4761 and 4799 and bearish below4690with supports around 4662, 4639 , and 4601 for the day...
Based on present market movement, Nifty futures would be inBullishzone above 4700 and in Bearish zone below 4680 for Friday.
Nifty futures is expected to face strong resistance in the region of4730 and 4790.
Technical portion and astrological portion given above shouldbeconsidered together and applied for taking proper trading decisions.
Disclaimer :: Intraday trading is risky and Astro guidance is tobeused as an additional tool in addition to technicals andadapteddepending on intraday movements. Creator only knows what isgoing tohappen and astrologer can only indicate what is likely tohappen .
Trade only with stop loss..
Happy Trading..
Dr B Amaranatha Sastry